Bangladesh is the eighth populous but one of the poorest countries of the world. She isĀ independent since March, 1971 but her economic emancipation is beyond the reach to fulfill the needs of the 12 corers People within the 1.44.000 sq.k.m. Area is a hard challenge for the nation. Growing demands of the vast population causes high poverty rate, increases the rateĀ of jobless and landless people which results in an unequal competition and a common scene of the country. From the very beginning of the independence, Govt. has been trying heart and soul to alleviate poverty but 70% of the total population is still lying below the poverty line. Yet the govt. has been fighting against the population explosion as well as against the poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and social injustice, chalking out collaborative programs regarding the above.
Besides the Govt. programs NGOs are playing vital roles to improve the overall economy of the country. Especially they have been working for the poor and the distressed people in the grass-roots level.
Though their activities are limited within small area based on small scale but they provide intensive care and close supervision. Hence, the success of the program of the N.G.Os is praised by all that is why they (NGOs) attract the attention of the international donor agencies. Almost 80% villages are now covered by N.G.Os programs and 65% of the total rural programs are being operated by them.
Despite the active presence of so many N.G.Os in the country, none of their declared objectives has so far been achieved completely. Neither any dramatic change or improvement in the poverty alleviation has been achieved nor the sufferings and the deprivation of the poverty stricken people would be reduced to a remarkable rate. But it is true that NGOs have done their best to prevent the vulnerable conditions of the poor and the powerless people from being bad to worse. If the present trends of the development by the NGOs and the Govt. organizations remain unchanged, we may hope that Bangladesh will be considered as one of the countries free from poverty, hunger, illiteracy, unemployment and social injustice within very short time. We the people have disclosed ourselves and tried our best to contribute the society in different ways under the guide of an organization named PURNIMA that means the FULL MOON which enlightens brightly and removing darkness it deprives none. Here we would like to focus our detailed activities and future plans in the annual reports of 2015-2016 (up to 2016).