Purnima has some of the key interventions undertaken under the Youth & Women Empowerment programs include:
- Sensitizing women on their rights particularly on the issues of inheritance and properly rights.
- Promoting Sexual health of young people and girls including intensifying reproductive health rights awareness, sexuality education and addressing child and early marriage.
- Creating awareness to the community on Gender Based Violence (GBV) including sexual violence and female genital mutilation and strengthening community structures for girls and women protection.
- Making referrals for advanced Health care and legal redress to women who have experienced one form of GVC or the other.
- Providing psychosocial support services including counseling to women who are victims of one form of GBV or the other.
- Linking girls with safe houses to protect them from FGM.
- Supporting Women Social Economic Empowerment initiatives.
- Supporting initiatives to promote women and other marginalized populations’ involvement in governance and political leadership.
- Addressing gender issues including Gender in education.
- Supporting and participating in women rights Networks.
- Awareness creation and advocacy for reproductive health rights.
- Provision of sanitary commodities and supporting trainings for girls to make the same for sustainability.
- Ability to identify early warning signs for violence.
- Linking up marginalized groups for relevant support from appropriate organizations and institutions.
- Ability to identify early warning signs for violence.
- Facilitating Capacity and economic development of youth groups on:
- Devolution, Social accountability and social audits
- Entrepreneurship and wealth creation
- Business planning and Management
- Agriculture, Agribusinesses& livelihoods
- Advocacy and policy influencing
- Resource mobilization